Version: current


Adding an Audience

Method: POST
Required parameters: uid, payload
Request body:

uid: "subscriber ID, found in cookie",
payload: [
{ name: "a1", value: "a1 audience name" },
{ name: "a2", value: "a1 audience name" }

API for extending a specific subscription with audience data (a1-a10, t1-t5). Called in the SDK via PushflowSDK.setAudience(name, value). When the function is called, the name and value parameters are stored in cookie


Method: POST
Required parameters: uid, CreativeId
Request body:

uid: "subscriber id",
CreativeId: "id of the creative",

API for updating LPClicks statistics for a creative. Called in the SDK via PushflowSDK.incrementLPClicks() and increases the LPClicks value by one. To work correctly uid and CreativeId must be specified in the SDK settings.

Subscriptions lists

Method: GET
Required parameters: clickid, listid
Request parameters:
clickid - ID of click.
listid - ID of list.

Adding a subscription by click ID to the list.

Conversion payout

Method: GET
Required parameters: payout, clickid (or a pair of creativeid and uid)
Request parameters:
creativeid - ID of creative.
uid - ID of subscription.
clickid - ID of click in the format {creativeid}-{uid}. If this parameter is sent then creativeid and uid will be ignored.
listid - ID of list. Optional parameter.
payout - Payout per conversion.

API for sending conversion payout.